About Us

YES Alumni Malaysia is an alumni association consisting of returnees of the prestigious YES Program.

YES Programs aka Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program is a program that is funded by the US Department of State and sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA). Scholarships are provided for high school students (15-17 years old) from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend up to one academic year in the US.

As an alumni organization, we organize, participate and volunteer at AFS and YES camps. Our goals are:

– Engaging YES alumni in building a worldwide YES community to continue building bridges as international citizens.
– Engaging YES alumni in community participation and service in Malaysia (and other YES countries).
– To promote the English language and American culture.

Our Vision

YES Alumni Malaysia aspires to empower, support and unleash the best potential of the alumni as global citizens to be leaders of the nation through active volunteering and positive change making for the community and beyond.

Our Mission

  • To maintain a strong internal network and engage with YES alumni of different countries.
  • To create a safe supporting space for alumni development through different opportunities.
  • To harness skills of each alumni in becoming global citizens and creating a positive impact throughout the nation

Our Values

Foster leadership

We strive to develop and inspire leadership in our organization and society through skill development opportunities provided within our organization’s strong network internally and globally

Youth empowerment

We believe that every YES alumnus can make positive changes by empowering youth to amplify the impact while taking care of their personal growth

Embrace inclusivity

As global citizens, we value every single voice and difference without any discrimination and celebrate the diversity that makes each one of us unique

Integrate sustainability

Every action is taken to ensure the sustainability of the organization and society for a continuous impact

Want to know more about the KL-YES Program?

Check out http://yesprograms.org to know more!